Friday, July 10, 2009

What bothers me right now!

I have a friend, at least she is supposed to be my friend. I have known her for 39 years and our kids have grown up together, our husbands were friends before we were. We have been on vacations and basically done a lot of stuff together. Anyway , I wonder a lot of the time if she really is my real friend like she says. She will tell people that I am her 'best friend' which is silly considering our ages now, which is 55. Well she does that when it suits her, then if I run into her at a store or if we go out to eat dinner and run into her ,she acts like she doesnt know me.

EXAMPLE 1: We both work for the same company and were given free meals at a local pizza joint, when my husband and I arrived we naturally parked beside their vehicle, she didnt look at me, she didnt say hi or kiss my ass or whatever. Ok I thought what is her problem, we went in the place and were standing in line ,all the time we stood there, she never said a word to me or looked at me or anything, I tried to talk to her once but she just talked to her husband and my husband, but then when we got to the table ,she decided to reward me with her voice, I cannot understand her to save my life.

Example 2: Another time I had some errands to run and so I went to a dollar store in our town to pick up bathroom items and things like that, well she was already inside , I didnt know she was going to be there nor did I even care , anyway, I went into the store and saw her, so I walked toward her and she couldnt get away from me fast enough, I had to literally chase her down just to speak to her. And even then it was a weird conversation, so I cut it short and paid for my stuff and left,wondering what is this?
Example 3: There is another co worker that we both know pretty good, I have known this other person a lot longer than my "friend" has known her, I have known her about 20 years longer, well this other friends mother died and I didnt take the time to let the " best friend" know about it because I just didnt think about it , thats all it was, well the "friend" got so mad at me she called the other lady crying and told her she was so upset with me and that led into a big argument with me and the so called best friend. We didnt speak or rather I didnt speak to her for 3 or 4 days, I apologized to my friend profusely and she proceeded to compare this with yet a another friend I had that was sick with cancer, now she has met the other friend a long time ago and so just knows her by name .this converstion went like this" You coulda told me that so and so died, what if ----( my other friend) died and no one let you know", it really pissed me off! for her to say this, she didnt even know the lady that died, never even met her and it didnt compare to my friend dying with cancer, so I told her ," thats just cruel of you ,its not even the same thing.You dont even care about ---- so why are you bringing that up" She told me I was mean and cold hearted and was really pissed off at me over this, even after I apologized, but once again I just chose to overlook it, so she though everythings ok now, but I always remember it all, and always will!! She is really hard to deal with most of the time. ( My friend ---- also has died now, and "best friend" is like Im so sorry she was a wonderful lady ,give me a big ------- break! Is this childish much!!
I have a whole lot of other examples, but I dont think this is what friendship is about, Am I wrong or what!!~!

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